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Student and Educator Feedback

“I’m about to LEAP OUT OF MY SEAT! Everything about this is SO well-done! I’ve learned more about Sojourner Truth than I have in reading about her for years!”

- Jemelleh Coes, Professor, University of Georgia, Mount Holyoke College, and 2014 Georgia Teacher of the Year

Student looking at the details of a painting
“To say that my students were thoroughly engaged with Self-Evident's resources is the understatement of the century. I am very fortunate to teach one of the most engaged 7th grade classes I’ve ever seen...but these resources raised the bar...

- Sarah Anzelmo-Steele, SS teacher, Richmond, Virginia

“One of the biggest issues that we are looking to address is student engagement. The storytelling approach of Self-Evident is immensely engaging for our students.”

- Regina Wallace, Social Studies Coordinator, Clayton County Public Schools, Georgia

Student looking at the details of a painting
“This was an amazing Professional Development!!! I loved how it forced me to really apply my critical thinking skills - which would definitely do the same for students!”

- Erin Thomas, Elementary school teacher, Richmond, Virginia

“I believe that If You Cross This Boundary, We All Die, and all other films by Self-Evident Education should legally be a part of 5th grade education nationwide. This film is really intriguing and I love the comic book/graphic novel format of the drawings showcased in this film. I really hope I will be able to see more films from Self-Evident.”

- 5th Grade Student, Massachusetts