Latest News and Resources

Still image representing the resource entitled New Ellen Craft T-Shirt Design
New Ellen Craft T-Shirt Design
We have just created a new T-Shirt Design. The shirt depicts Ellen Craft’s ingenious disguise for her and her husband William’s inspiring self emancipation. In the Self-Evident film “If You Cross This Boundary, We All Die” we explore this amazing piece of American history.
Video Essay
Still image representing the resource entitled Akrobatik
In this episode of Self-Evident Truths, Akrobatik discusses why it is important for educators to keep different perspectives in mind as they engage in antiracist pedagogy.
Video Essay
Still image representing the resource entitled Michael Lawrence-Riddell
Michael Lawrence-Riddell
On this "Self-Evident" Truths episode, Michael Lawrence-Riddell talks about advice for educators who are teaching about controversial or sensitive topics in the classroom.
Curriculum Unit
Still image representing the resource entitled One Minute's Freedom
One Minute's Freedom
The story of Elizabeth “Mumbet” Freeman and the abolition of slavery in Massachusetts allows educators and their students to examine the tensions and contradictions between the professed ideals of the United States and the actual practices of the United States and to consider the ways that enslaved people used the professed ideals of the United States to argue for their own liberation.
Still image representing the resource entitled The "Personal Benefits" of Slavery?
The "Personal Benefits" of Slavery?
Recent political movements, such as the "Stop Woke Act" and the revised African-American History standards in Florida threaten the full, honest teaching of our history.
Video Essay
Still image representing the resource entitled Bayeté Ross Smith
Bayeté Ross Smith
On this episode of Self-Evident Truths, Bayeté Ross Smith discusses why it is necessary to have “uncomfortable conversations” in the classroom.
Classroom Material
Still image representing the resource entitled Self-Evident Education Presents: The Power of Truths—Cinematic Chronicles of  Racism and Resistance (Pre-Event Resources Packet)
Self-Evident Education Presents: The Power of Truths—Cinematic Chronicles of Racism and Resistance (Pre-Event Resources Packet)
Thank you so much for registering for Self-Evident Presents: The Power of Truths—Cinematic Chronicles of Racism and Resistance. We are so excited to share these stories with you and wanted to take this opportunity to share some resources with you. We will be screening two films, “If You Cross This Boundary We All Die” and “Freedom’s Battle at Christiana”. All of the resources below will give you important knowledge and context to understand the films and the panel discussion on deeper levels. This is NOT homework. If you check out none of these resources you will still enjoy and be inspired by the films you see.
Still image representing the resource entitled The Power of Truths: Cinematic Chronicles of Racism and Resistance
The Power of Truths: Cinematic Chronicles of Racism and Resistance
Join us at the Nashville Public Library for a screening of two powerful short documentary films, followed by a panel discussion. You won't want to miss these incredible stories that will touch your heart and reflect on the history of race in America.
Video Essay
Still image representing the resource entitled Elizabeth Pryor
Elizabeth Pryor
On this "Self-Evident" Truths episode, Elizabeth Stordeur Pryor talks about how to handle documents with the "n-word" in the classroom.
Still image representing the resource entitled Read This Book: Never Caught
Read This Book: Never Caught
Dr. Ousmane Power-Greene recommends the book Never Caught, by Ona Judge
Still image representing the resource entitled Join Us for the Third Annual Power of Truths and Apply for the Self-Evident Teacher Fellowship
Join Us for the Third Annual Power of Truths and Apply for the Self-Evident Teacher Fellowship
The Power of Truths
Video Essay
Still image representing the resource entitled Kellie Carter Jackson on Primary Sources
Kellie Carter Jackson on Primary Sources
On this episode of Self-Evident Truths, Kellie Carter Jackson discusses why it is important for educators to use primary sources in the history classroom.
Video Essay
Still image representing the resource entitled Kellie Carter Jackson on Sources & Stories
Kellie Carter Jackson on Sources & Stories
On this episode of Self-Evident Truths, Kellie Carter Jackson discusses the importance of having a diversity of sources and stories in the history classroom.
Video Essay
Still image representing the resource entitled Safire DeJong
Safire DeJong
On this episode of Self-Evident Truths, Safire DeJong gives advice to educators who are nervous to teach about the history of racism in their classrooms.
Classroom Material
Still image representing the resource entitled One Minute's Freedom: Basic Lesson
One Minute's Freedom: Basic Lesson
In the basic lesson, students build an understanding of the significance of Elizabeth Freeman's life, and connect her story to the founding American ideals of liberty, freedom, and equality.
Classroom Material
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One Minute's Freedom: The Conversation Continues
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